Monday, 5 March 2012

Lecture Two

Today was my second lecture for JOUR1111, in which we interestingly learnt about the different types of “Webs” that have come in and out of society. Web 1.0, the advertising web, mainly focused on companies and was very advertising friendly. In comparison, Web 2.0, the social web, is known as the “new media” as it involved social interaction through Facebook, Skype and Twitter to name a few. This web clearly had a main focus on social groups. Web 3.0, known as the semantic web, makes meaning out of what you do and sense out of information. This web has a main focus on individuals and is increasingly growing in society today. The interesting thing about Web 3.0 was the possibilities discussed, such as hyperlocalisation, meaning that individuals would have a focus about them and their personal community, rather then about anyone else in the world. I personally think this would have a very negative impact on society if we all started living for ourselves and not thinking of others. We also discussed the impacts of “online news” as well as issues surrounding technologies effect on Journalism. I found this interesting, and also a bit worrying at the same time. How much will social networking expand? Less and less people are buying hard copies of the local newspaper, and subscribing to a newspaper is almost unheard of these days. So where does that leave journalists?? I guess we will just have to wait and see!

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